Feed Reader |

Feed reader is a advanced tool to read RSS feeds.
Channel menu
"Update channel" Get a feed from the selected channel.
"Update group" Get feeds from all channels in the selected group.
"Filter" Gives you the possibility to search for keywords in all channels.
"Add channel" Opens a Window in which you can search for RSS feeds, when a particular channel is found you can add it to the selected group with a double-click
"New channel" Creates a new channel in the selected group, after you have filled the field "Rss url" just click on the button to get the Title and Description from this url.
"Edit channel" Edit the selected channel.
"Channel home page" Opens the homepage, in the default browser, of the selected channel.
"New group" Creates a new group.
"Edit group" Edit the group description.
"Delete" Deletes the selected channel, if a group is selected all channels in this group will also be deleted.
"New channel" Creates a new channel in the selected group, after you have filled the field "Rss url", just click on the button to get the Title and Description from this url.
Items menu
"Open link" Opens the link for the selected item in the browser.
"Delete" Delete selected item.
"Delete all" Delete all items of the selected channel.

Here you can setup how many days the items will be available and how long an item will be displayed as un-read