Spam Remover |

This tool helps you get rid of the Spam in your mail box. The biggest advantage of this tool is that only a small part of the email is downloaded from server and not the whole email with any attachments. The Preview of the email is text based, which means that no virus can be executed.
"Check emails" Check emails for all accounts.
"Check account" Check for the emails for a specific account.
"Delete selected emails" Delete all marked emails from the server.
"Clear list" Clear grid with displayed emails, this function will not delete any email, it will just clear the screen
"Preview email" Shows the contents of the selected email.
"Mark" Function to mark/unmark emails.
"Mail program" Start the default mail client.
"Options" Setup how often will be checked for the emails and how many text lines will be downloaded from each email.

With the "Account" button you can add multiple email accounts and also define if they should be included in the default mail check.